Be he@lthy, be mobile: a toolkit on how to implement MyopiaEd. Web annex: MyopiaEd message libraries

Source: VCA Be he@lthy, be mobile: a toolkit on how to implement MyopiaEd. Web annex: MyopiaEd message libraries This toolkit includes evidence-based message libraries for key population groups, along with operational guidance and resources for adapting, implementing and monitoring the MyopiaEd programme. The toolkit is intended to assist policy- and decision-makers and implementers to establish…

Eye Care Indicator Menu

Source: VCA Eye Care Indicator Menu The Eye Care Indicator Menu (ECIM) is a tool that offers a range of indicators for monitoring eye care strategies at national or regional levels. It helps Member States track and evaluate their eye care plans, integrate eye care data into health systems, and build evidence through data collection,…

Eye Care in Health Systems

Source: VCA Eye Care in Health Systems Eye Care in Health Systems: Guide for Action” is designed to help countries effectively analyze, plan, implement, and evaluate integrated people-centered eye care. It also connects to four WHO-developed tools that support national planning efforts.

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“Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit…”“There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain…”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In molestie ac augue vel pellentesque. Donec sed cursus libero, et dapibus dolor.…