Primary Eye Care Training Manual

Source: VCA Primary Eye Care Training Manual The purpose of this manual released by the WHO Regional Office for Africa is to provide guidance in the design, implementation and evaluation of a course that aims to build and strengthen the capacity of health personnel to manage eye patients at primary-level health facilities in the African…

WHO Rehabilitation Guide for Action

Source: VCA WHO Rehabilitation Guide for Action The development and field testing of this resource was coordinated by Pauline Kleinitz, Rehabilitation Programme, WHO, with the support of Alarcos Cieza, Coordinator for Vision, Hearing, Rehabilitation, Disability, Department for Management of Noncommunicable Diseases, Disability, Violence and Injury Prevention, WHO.

Catalogue of key eye health

Source: VCA Catalogue of key eye health In order to assess trends in the prevalence and causes of visual impairment, including blindness, to measure progress made by Member States in preventing visual impairment, including blindness, and to monitor implementation of the Global Action Plan 2014-2019 for a universal eye health, a set of core process…

VISION 2020 Global Initiative: 1999

Source: VCA VISION 2020 Global Initiative: 1999 This document was produced following consultations held in Geneva during 1996 and 1997, convened by the WHO Programme for the Prevention of Blindness and Deafness (PBD) at the request of, and with support from, the Task Force of the Partnership Committee of Nongovernmental Development Organizations (An earlier form…

Eye Care in Health Systems

Source: VCA Eye Care in Health Systems Eye Care in Health Systems: Guide for Action” is designed to help countries effectively analyze, plan, implement, and evaluate integrated people-centered eye care. It also connects to four WHO-developed tools that support national planning efforts.

Eye care competency framework

Source: VCA Eye care competency framework The WHO Eye Care Competency Framework (ECCF) offers a global set of standards for eye care competencies and activities. It helps in planning and developing the eye care workforce, ensuring effective composition, deployment, and availability. The ECCF is intended for use by educational institutions, policymakers, regulators, eye care providers,…