The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
VCA-Lebanon Vision Atlas Evidence Series: Universal eye health: a global action plan 2014–2019 indicators This 15-page PDF summarises progress with the national indicators set in “Universal eye health: a global action plan 2014–2019”.
VCA-Lebanon Vision Atlas Evidence Series: Magnitude of Vision Loss This 10-page PDF covers the key messages from the Vision Loss Expert Group’s 2020 study “Trends in prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment over 30 years” through images, charts and text summaries.
VCA-Lebanon The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health: VISION Beyond 2020 The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health: VISION Beyond 2020 is the work of 73 experts from 25 countries globally, and is a synthesis of new and existing research in eye health.
VCA-Lebanon The roadmap to UHC for eye health through Integrated People Centred Eye Care To achieve UHC at a country-level, health systems around the world are adopting an integrated and people-centred approach to health services. This means putting the comprehensive needs of people and communities, not only diseases, at the centre of health systems, and…
VCA-Lebanon Advocacy Brief: Achieving a Life Course of Healthy Vision Achieving a Life Course of Healthy Vision, a policy brief from IAPB, The International Federation on Ageing (IFA), The European Council of Optometry and Optics (ECOO) and The Global Coalition on Aging outlines the need for action to support a life course of healthy vision…
VCA-Lebanon Impact of COVID-19 on Diabetic Retinopathy Initiatives Survey This survey was done to: provide a quick snapshot of the changing situation for the implementation of diabetic retinopathy (DR) initiatives. obtain insights of the impact of the pandemic on these initiatives and help the sector’s advocacy efforts.
VCA-Lebanon Call To Action for Environmentally Sustainable Practices in The Eye Health Sector The Climate Action Working Group continues to bring awareness to the eye health sector and support stakeholders to take steps to become more environmentally sustainable, one of the biggest global health priorities.
VCA-Lebanon Strengthening diagnosis and treatment of diabetic retinopathy in the South-East Asia Region This document reflects a successful collaboration between IAPB and WHO SEAR and the contribution of the South East Asia Eye Health Expert Group representing all 10 countries of the region. It is expected that these guidelines will be helpful to all programme…
VCA-Lebanon Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Practices in The Eye Health Sector This practical Guide was developed by the CAWG to support the eye health community to minimize the environmental impact of eye health services and support climate change resilience.
VCA-Lebanon Integrating eye health into the NCD response The Fred Hollows Foundation & the NCD Alliance have launched a policy brief which aims to identify key challenges and cost-effective solutions for the integration of eye care into health services.