The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
VCA-Lebanon Eye health and the world of work – ILO Report The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) have collaborated to produce a report on Eye Health and the World of Work
VCA-Lebanon Advocacy for Eye Health: A Beginner’s Guide nan
VCA-Lebanon Investment in eye health to prevent sight loss This report was authored by the Deloitte Center for Health Economics working with Roche and IAPB
VCA-Lebanon Retinopathy of prematurity in India – what can we learn from the polio legacy? ROP related blindness can be prevented by improving comprehensive preterm care and screening at appropriate time.
VCA-Lebanon TFOS Lifestyle Report: Impact of environmental conditions on the ocular surface Exploring the Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Ocular Surface – A Review of Risk Factors
VCA-Lebanon Climate Action and Eye Care Myths: Busted This PDF document from IAPB’s Climate Action Work Group debunks five prevalent myths about climate action and eye care.