The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness

Diabetic Retinopathy: A Call for Global Action

VCA-Lebanon Diabetic Retinopathy: A Call for Global Action A policy brief developed by IDF and The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) that advocates for a joint approach to prevent and manage vision loss in people living with diabetes by integrating diabetic retinopathy (DR) care into diabetes policies and national health plans.

Position Paper: Addressing myopia: best practices and minimum standards in clinical practice

VCA-Lebanon Position Paper: Addressing myopia: best practices and minimum standards in clinical practice The paper focuses on best practice and minimum standards for clinical interventions – that is, providing appropriate optical correction and slowing the progression of myopia. It does not address regulatory or professional standards specific to varying country contexts.

Position Paper: Innovative approaches to the provision of refractive error services

VCA-Lebanon Position Paper: Innovative approaches to the provision of refractive error services The paper focuses on introducing an innovative approach to refraction services in a country. It defines the minimum threshold for any new technology or innovation to be introduced. It provides further context specific recommendations to be considered during the introduction of innovative technology…